
Its me again. One of the things I realized while in Medical School was that there were many health problems whose solutions were much simpler that we thought. I also learned that we will get the best results if we were to fix the root cause of the problem.

I am quite sad to see that many of the solutions that western medicine offers us doesn’t address that root cause but instead only addresses your symptoms. I can think of multiple instances when this happens and sleep apnea is one of them.

Western Medicine doesn’t recognize the root cause of Sleep Apnea yet, and so the solutions they offer are solutions will either cause you other health problems, or will cost you a recurring lifetime purchase of either medicines or replacement consumables.

In this video, I’ll discuss the 4 dimensions of Sleep Apnea and how western medicine attempts to address these one-by-one. With Snore No More, you will be able to address all 4 dimensions, all at once. I am convinced that the root cause of Sleep Apnea lies in what we call “dysfunctional breathing.” Dysfunctional breathing happens when the way you breathe and the amount you breathe is not at par with what your body needs. I have been studying the phenomenon of dysfunctional breathing for more than 20 years now, and so there are a lot of things I can say about it. However for now, do enjoy this video I prepared that will help explain Sleep Apnea and Snore No More a little bit more for you.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me by using this link: https://forms.gle/JKDwxbk7csfUn19k8
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Snore No More
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